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Titre projet type année
PREUSE (Interreg NWE) Research 2023-2028
Entangled Matter Exhibition Research 2024-2025
OXY - Centre Monnaie Design assistance 2020-2025
Charite - Transformation of a 1930s apartment Design 2023-2024
Manuel Espaces Publics / Draaiboek publieke ruimte Design assistance 2022-2024
Unfolding the Archives #6 - Marcel Raymaekers, pioneer in circular architecture Exhibition 2023-2024
SAU Caserne Design assistance 2020-2024
Permeke Museum cafeteria and bookshop Design 2022-2023
(Re)working with What We Have — Dip. 18, AA School Education 2022-2023
Couroubles - apartment interior Design 2021-2023
Le serpent du Kanal (unbuilt) Design 2023-2023
Realco cafeteria Design 2022-2023
Ad Hoc Baroque: Marcel Raymaekers’ Salvage Architecture in Postwar Belgium Publication Research 2022-2023
Travelling exhibition: the 99 percent Exhibition 2021-2023
Masterplan haut-bas / hoog-laag Design assistance 2021-2023
SAU goes reuse! Design assistance 2019-2023
Opalis Research 2011-2023
Reuse in the Multi project Publication 2022-2022
Debris - Dip 18, AA School Education 2021-2022
Boardwalk in reclaimed tropical hardwood Design assistance 2021-2022
Quelle place pour les matériaux de réemploi dans un monde industrialisé ? Publication 2022-2022
The other Rotor: laws of physics, economics and material reuse (Volume #61) Publication 2022-2022
Les effets du réemploi sur la conception et vice versa (Réemploi, architecture et construction) Publication 2022-2022
Le cru, le cuit et le surcuit (L'architecte et l'existant) Publication 2022-2022
Corked @ Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa Exhibition 2022-2022
Rediscovering Reuse - Patrick Geddes Fellowship, ESALA Education 2022-2022
Reclaim @ Fluctuations, by ICA Exhibition 2022-2022
Opalis Germany / Thirty to one - KIT Education 2022-2022
Multi - De Brouckère Tower Design assistance 2017-2022
Throwaway - House of European History Design assistance Exhibition 2020-2021
Rotor und die praxis der Wiederverwendung (Bauteile wiederverwenden) Publication 2021-2021
Reno-Lab-C - Field survey on reuse practices in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean Research 2021-2021
Four quick audits for Molenbeek's Mastok project Design assistance 2021-2021
Reuse toolkit: Material sheets Publication Research 2019-2021
AMOP Mission Design assistance 2020-2021
12 FCRBE pilot operations Design assistance 2020-2021
Material Worlds - Dip 18, AA School Education 2020-2021
Shop interior for Decathlon Design assistance 2021-2021
Retrofit Brussels: Student housing WVDM Design assistance 2019-2021
Horst - stage for a music festival Design 2020-2021
Urban Mine Inc. (Urban Mining und kreislaufgerechtes Bauen) Publication 2021-2021
Réemployer des matériaux de construction dans les marchés publics (Chronique des marchés publics 2020-2021) Publication 2021-2021
Kunsthal Extra City Design 2021-2021
Mu.ZEE - Art museum redesign Design 2021-2021
Zinneke - Feder Masui4ever Design assistance 2015-2021
Interreg NWE - FCRBE Research 2019-2021
The trap of a 50 t bouquet. Guidelines for procuring a circular exhibition (La Vie des Musées) Publication 2020-2020
Reuse of sanitary appliances Research 2019-2020
FOXIE! Reuse in the cultural sector Design assistance 2019-2020
Salvage and Integrity (Built Environment and Architecture as a Resource) Publication 2020-2020
Workshop Deconstruction - CAS, ETH Zurich Education 2020-2020
Convent of the Poor Clares Design 2020-2020
Underground in the City Exhibition 2019-2020
Zonnige Kempen - interior design for a social housing company Design assistance Design 2016-2020
Pont Neuf Design assistance 2019-2020
Salvage - Dip 18, AA School Education 2019-2020
Already There - ADS11 studio, Royal College of Arts Education 2019-2020
FEDER - Le bâti bruxellois, source de nouveaux matériaux (BBSM) Research 2015-2020
CCBW Design 2018-2019
Building and demolition waste in the UK (arq, volume 23, no. 1, 2019) Publication 2019-2019
Deconstructing research, A Reverse Engineering Methodology and Practice (AD, The Business of Research) Publication 2019-2019
Mechanics of rejuvenation (IQD 56, sept. 2019) Publication 2019-2019
Strawberry Table Design 2018-2019
Sanitary block for the Itterbeek Chiro Design 2018-2019
Bruegel's Eye - Visitor's pavilion Design 2018-2019
Life under a cherry tree Exhibition 2019-2019
Opalis UK - Dip 18, AA School Education 2018-2019
Martyrs Design 2017-2018
Architektur im Rückwärtsgang (Bauwelt 14.2018) Publication 2018-2018
Architecture by Telephone - Columbia University Education 2018-2018
Careno - Be.Circular Research 2016-2018
Recypark Anderlecht Design assistance Design 2017-2018
What's Eating the Chinese Mitten Crab? @ Triënnale Brugge Exhibition 2018-2018
Da quassù è tutta un’altra cosa / From up here, it’s a whole other story @ Manifesta 12 Design Exhibition 2018-2018
Pavilion "Winter in Antwerpen" (unbuilt) Design 2018-2018
Déconstruction et réemploi Publication 2018-2018
Who's Eating the Chinese Mitten Crab Design 2018-2018
La arquitectura al revés (PLOT jun/jul 2017) Publication 2017-2017
Objectif réemploi Publication Research 2015-2017
Caserne de Reuilly. Paris Habitat Design assistance 2016-2017
Dekkera Design 2017-2017
Plateforme Réemploi Research 2017-2017
Deconstruction (Volume n° 51) Publication 2017-2017
Studio Rotor: Deconstruction - TU Delft Education 2017-2017
Extraire les matériaux réutilisables de bâtiments publics (AP, 1/2016) Publication 2016-2016
Le réemploi de la roche ornementale (Mines & Carrières, n. 236) Publication 2016-2016
Logique de la matière (A+ 258) Publication 2016-2016
Rotor - 9 rue du Plâtre (Anticipations) Publication 2016-2016
Rereading Papanek (yours critically) Publication 2016-2016
L'architecture à l'envers (criticat n.18/2016) Publication 2016-2016
Mode and Design Brussels (MAD) Design assistance Design 2012-2016
Spooroost Design assistance Design 2014-2016
Librebook bookshop Design 2015-2016
L'équipe Design assistance 2015-2016
Rotor DC: reuse made easy Research 2013-2016
Deconstruction @ Constellation.s Exhibition 2016-2016
Ceramic tiles @ Z33, Hasselt Exhibition 2016-2016
Die sieben Leben der Nachhaltigkeit im Zeitraffer (Bauwelt 36.2015) Publication 2015-2015
MIPIM (Volume #2) Publication 2015-2015
La ville se disloque. Faites circuler les bons morceaux! (La Ville rebelle. Démocratiser le projet urbain) Publication 2015-2015
Abattoirs de Bomel Design 2014-2015
Vade-mecum for Off-Site Reuse Publication Research 2014-2015
Deconstruction @ Reciprocity Exhibition 2015-2015
Behind the Green Door. A Critical Look at Sustainable Architecture through 600 Objects Publication 2013-2014
Programme Tolosa (Plan Libre n. 114) Publication 2013-2013
Den Europæisk Union set fra 2063 (Arkitekten, vol.115) Publication 2013-2013
Curator's Foreword; Behind the Green Door; Pockets of Sustainability; Who's Who in Green Buildings (OAT 2013 Behind the Green Door) Publication 2013-2013
Bærekraftige lommer (Arkitektur N, nr. 5-2013) Publication 2013-2013
Lafayette Anticipation Design 2013-2013
Leuven Exhibition 2013-2013
Behind the Green Door @ Oslo Architecture Triennale Exhibition 2013-2013
Sustainable (Abitare n° 535) Publication 2013-2013
La retraite dans le désert et l'avancement des technologies (Faces 71) Publication 2012-2012
About Our Exhibition Ambitions (Oase 88) Publication 2012-2012
Le cerisier et la plaque de plâtre (Criticat n° 9) Publication 2012-2012
OMA / Progress Exhibition 2011-2012
Analysis of building and demolition waste in the Brussels Capital Region Research 2011-2012
Containers Research 2012-2012
Grindbakken Design Exhibition 2012-2012
The complexity of waste (Abitare, n° 317) Publication 2011-2011
Réutiliser les matériaux de construction (A+ 231) Publication 2011-2011
Ex Limbo Exhibition 2011-2011
Ex Limbo - Exhibition catalog Publication 2011-2011
Usus/usures @ Venice Biennale Exhibition 2010-2010
Interior for Den Dam Design 2010-2010
KFDA 2010 Design 2010-2010
Usus/usures. État des lieux - How things stand Publication 2010-2010
Coproduction Publication 2010-2010
KFDA 2009 Design 2009-2009
Temporary Office Space for Zinneke Design 2009-2009
Interior design for the Vlaams Theater Instituut (VTI) Design 2009-2009
A prestudy for the development of a reuse center in social economy in Brussels Research 2008-2009
Deutschland im Herbst Exhibition 2008-2008
Table and chairs for Manon Design 2008-2008
Deutschland im Herbst Publication 2008-2008
Temporary office - PlanB Design 2007-2007
Kitchen One Design 2007-2007
RDF181 Design 2006-2007
Privacy Screen Design 2007-2007
Rotor Database Research 2005-2006
Looplab Exhibition 2004-2005