Entangled Matter

A+ Architecture in Belgium and Bozar invited Rotor to contribute to a series of exhibitions dedicated to Belgian architectural practices that have attracted international attention in recent years. Rotor took this opportunity to undertake a reflexive and forward-looking exercise in its practices. The result of this research is the exhibition Entangled Matter.

In this exhibition, Rotor explores places where materials are produced, transformed, (re)used or discarded. This approach is in line with Rotor’s mission to better understand how material flows are organised today. The framing of the exhibition highlights both the potential and the limitations of efforts by Rotor, and similar organisations, to promote alternative ways of circulating materials, especially through various forms of reuse.

At the heart of the exhibition is a series of nine films commissioned from the filmmaking duo Beka & Lemoine. These films are presented alongside ‘as found’ objects illustrating different aspects of Rotor’s work (images, material samples, archives...). Together, the films and objects delve into the complexity of material flows in today’s economy. They present entangled stories that address broader issues: the sheer scale of industrial activity, working conditions, the landscape produced by material circulation, waste management strategies, the impact of climate change, the role of citizens’ initiatives and the possible future of inherited infrastructures.

In doing so, Entangled Matter challenges the idea that a ‘circular transition’ is underway. It shows how the so-called ‘circular economy’ remains deeply entangled with the traditional, linear, extractivist economy. But the exhibition also highlights local changes. It shows examples of how material flows can be transformed locally to support practices that could be fairer, more sustainable and less damaging to the web of life.

The exhibition was held at Bozar in Brussels from October 15, 2024, to January 12, 2025.





Lara Molino (A+), Iwan Strauven (Bozar)

Exhibition team at Rotor

Michaël Ghyoot, Victoria Van Kan, Arne Vande Capelle, Tom Schoonjans, Alix Nadeau, Louise Huba, Karen Steukers, Gaspard Geerts, Louis Emauré, Olivia Noël, and Maarten Gielen (initial phase)


Lara Molino (A+), Michaël Ghyoot, Alix Nadeau, Victoria Van Kan (Rotor)


Victoria Van Kan, Alix Nadeau (Rotor)


Rotor DC


Michaël Ghyoot, Arne Vande Capelle (Rotor)

Final reading

EN Patrick Lennon, FR Lara Molino, NL Iwan Strauven

Technical Head of Production

Frédéric Oulieu, assisted by Gert Baart, Damien Pairon (Bozar)


Colin Fincoeur (Bozar)


Rita Minissi (A+)


Guilliana Venlet (A+), Julie Boone and Allison Lemaire (Bozar)


Guilliana Venlet (A+), Samir Al-Haddad (Bozar)

Exhibition production officer

Tanguy Janmart (Bozar)





Production and realisation of the films Transmutation

Ila Bêka, Louise Lemoine

Assistant director

Giulia Bruno

Assistant production

Sara Maggioni


We would like to thank all the companies that kindly allowed us to visit their facilities and film their activities. Their willingness to collaborate and share their insights with us was crucial to this project: Carmeuse, Carrière de la Hazotte, De Meuter, Immobilière du Terril De Pont-de-Loup, Merbes Sprimont, Oxfam Impact Furniture. For the initial phase of the project, thanks to Lisa de Visscher.


With the support of: Vlaamse Overheid, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie (VGC)

Main sponsor


Other sponsors

Cordeel, Finstral, Seco, Ar-co, Conix, DDS+, Vitra, Whitewood




With the support of