Reno-Lab-C - Field survey on reuse practices in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

The Reno-Lab-C project focuses on the immense need for renovation on the Brussels housing market, and more precisely on the role of private owners, who are currently unable to renovate for reasons such as affordability, administrative and practical complications, difficulty in finding a contractor, tendering, monitoring, etc. One of the results of the research is for example the Rhizoom tool, a digital housing management platform for the inhabitants, which is managed by the regional advisors.

Rotor's contribution to the Reno-Lab-C project looked into the reuse of construction materials in the context of the renovation of individual houses in the municipality of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Our contribution consisted of a study of the existing practices of recovery and reuse of building materials on a domestic scale in Molenbeek, based on the observation that a good understanding of existing practices is an essential prerequisite for developing recognition, encouragement and support policies. 

On the basis of field work, the study identifies a series of perspectives to inform future policies to encourage reuse practices in this context, such as:

  • Deepening the knowledge and understanding of these practices, with the help of university researchers, research centers or field organizations.
  • Raising awareness of the virtuous nature of reuse
  • Aligning ambitions in terms of energy performance and in terms of circularity
  • Relying on existing approaches and dynamics with regard to reuse
  • Relying on the actors and practices encountered during the study
Rotor project team:

Gaspard Geerts and Romane M’Bao with the help of Lionel Devlieger and Michael Ghyoot

Subsidized by

the Brussels-Capital Region and the ERDF

Project partners:

Kenniscentrum WWZ – Maison de quartier Bonnevie – VUB – KU Leuven Research and Development – GSL architectes
